
我會主席陳家豪先生將會在6月23日以StartHK 名譽主席身份與數碼港知名大咖一起出席國際中小企業創新大賽- 香港分站賽的網上推介活動。

Co-organised by Cyberport, SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Global Contest 2021 – Hong Kong Chapter is calling for entries!

Find out more about the contest mechanism and judging criteria, as well as industry insights and tips from experts and successful start-ups of relevant technology fields.

Join us online: https://bit.ly/3xymnAZ

23 Jun (Wed), 3 – 4:15pm: FinTech, AI & Big Data, IoT, Smart Living & Mobility and Digital Entertainment & eSports Software.

Briefing webinar on the other tech areas covered by the contest will be held in the afternoon of 29 Jun (Tue).

Submit your market-ready projects and win the chance to access some of the most promising Mainland networks for capital funding and business development.

Application is now open until 16 Jul: https://bit.ly/3gzfXKU