What are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Libra and DC/EP in common? How can the crypto currencies transformation change the landscape of the traditional finance? It seems that DC/EP is competing with Alipay and Wechat Pay. However, there is only one rival of all.
Topic: China Insights: The relationship between DCEP/CBDC and Blockchain
Date: 25 Sept 2020
Time: 3:30pm – 4:00pm
Host: Vienne Lee, CEO Finance Mandarin, AI+Education
VIP Speaker: Emil Chan
Key takeaways:
1. The mission and history development of PBoC’s DCEP.
2. What does it mean for the banks, central banks, and individuals?
3. Will China’s central bank digital currency be blockchain-based or rival to Alipay?
Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/tZ0sdOqsrzotGt3qtcBvBC6VbpKf0BVQQI7n/success?user_id=0cynVl2PTPuM0L4_vxRk2g&timezone_id=Asia%2FHong_Kong